Saint Sekkizhaar School of Saiva Siddhanta Trust shall be a public Educational, Social and Charitable organization.
Our Trustee Sekkizhaar Adip-p-Podi Dr.T.N.Ramachandran, an unsurpassed scholar in Tamil and English; an acknowledged authority on Tamil Saivism and Saiva Siddhanta; a prolific writer on several facets of Tamil hagiographical literature; a versatile translator of Tamil Saivite Scriptures.
The following non-business and non-profit objects of our Trustacademic paper writing service write my essay now
- To kindle a sustained and universal awareness of the greatness of Saiva Siddhanta based on the hoary tradition.
- To propagate Saiva Siddhanta as revealed in the Vedas, the Saiva Agamas, the Ithihasas, the puranas, the Saivite Tirummurais, the Meykanda Sastras and the related opuses
- To publish the original works with or without commentaries, to bring out translations academic paper writing service write my essay now of the same in Indian and foreign languages.
- To establish co-ordination with centres propagating Vedic Faiths.
- To promote and publish Indian Classical epics and other religious literature from various Indian languages to other Indian and foreign languages including English in the form of books, brouchures, CD’s, podcasts or any other electronic or traditional media.
- Any other charitable objects of general public utility not involving directly or otherwise the carrying on of any activity for profit.